Delta Kites

First time kite flyers-- delta kites are for you! These easy-to-fly kites are simple to launch, reliable and great for light winds. Perfect for easy flying at the park, beach or just as eye catching decoration!
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Information on Delta Kites

What is a Delta Kite?

  • Deltas are known to be some of the easiest kites to launch and fly.
  • These kites fly graciously in the wind with ease.
  • Deltas are used more for aesthetics or recreation, rather than for performance.

Who is it good for?

  • With their easy to handle flight, Deltas are perfect for beginners.
  • Delta kites make for great gifts for children or anyone looking for a relaxing and enjoyable flying experience.

Where to fly?

  • These kites are great for flying at the Park, beach, or in your own backyard!  
  • Deltas can handle flight with various levels of wind, even flying on some of the softest wind days.
  • The best place to fly Deltas is in any open area away from power lines, trees, or buildings.

Can Deltas have tails?

  • Yes!  Many Delta kites come with tails attached, but adding a tail can provide a bit more style to your flight!
  • While you may not need a kite tail, some tails do help stabilize the kite, keeping from spinning or swerving foolishly in the sky.